Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bitacora de Audio: February/Febrero 6, 2010: Viniloversus



This band from Caracas, Venezuela started around 2004 with just two members: Rodrigo Gonsalves in the lead guitar and vocals and Adrian Salves in the bass. Shortly thereafter they invited Orlando Martinez, who had no previous musical instruction, to play the drums. Finally, Hector Besson completes the band taking the bass and Adrian moving to the second bass. This band was very young (most of their members in their teens) and started composing great original material that soon placed them in the forefront of the new rock movement and sound in their native country. In 2005 they enter the contest of Festival de Nuevas Bandas and win it, which helped them launch a series of tours nationally. In 2007 their debut album "El Dia es Hoy" (Today is the day) hits the stores and the airwaves and in a very short time, VV becomes the most knnown and talked about band among the music fans in that country. 

Una de las mejores bandas de rock alternativo hoy por hoy de Sur America se llaman Viniloversus y son cuatro chicos de Caracas, Venezuela que en el 2004 empezaron como dos: Rodrigo Gonsalves y Adrian Salves y luego fueron incorporando a los que serian un cuarteto feroz con Orlando Martinez en la bateria y Hector Besson en el segundo bajo. Si senores, dos bajos hacen que el sonido de esta banda sea inclusive mejor que el de Metallica sin perder la sonoridad pop de un Foo Fighters con la combinacion de una voz seria y madura tipo Enrique Bunbury. El primer disco se llama "El Dia es Hoy" y sorprendio por su pureza, su fuerza y su madurez con chicos que apenas habian cumplido los 18 an~os de edad. Ahora en el 2009 sacan "Si no nos mata" y la cancion "Llamame y Desaparezco" esta revolucionando las mentes rockeras del mundo entero ya que han sido comparados con los britanicos Arctic Monkeys, nada mas y nada menos.
Los chicos de Viniloversus han tocado en el SXSW del 2009 y merecen ser escuchados en todos los rincones de la tierra. Checkate estos videos monstruosos y las canciones que se quedaran pegadas a tu cerebro hasta que te mueras. Que ostia tan buena y como tocan sus instrumentos. Nosotros los apoyamos y deseamos que todos apoyen a este grupo que no tiene sello disquero ni distribucion en ninguna parte del mundo y se merecen el apoyo TOTAL de los rockeros del mundo. ALA!

Aqui unos ejemplos de algunos de sus videos del primer disco:
Here is a sample of some songs from that album:

"Directo al Grano"


"Las Historias Son Mortales" (my favorite video)

Mas videos en YouTube/See more videos in their YouTube page at: 

"El Dia es Hoy" is one of the best freshman efforts from any Latin band I've heard and the dedication and passion these guys have brought to the scene is invaluable. We had a chance to interview them at the beginning in 2006, just when things were getting busy and here are some excerpts from that chat:
Nosotros tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistarlos en el 2006 antes de que su popularidad comenzara a subir como las burbujas en la champana. Que tipos tan cool!!!! Escuchen:

(from left to right: Adrian Salves, Orlando Martinez, Ramon "elrock" Martinez, Rodrigo Gonsalves and Hector Besson)

Pregunta a Viniloversus: "What influences inform your music?":
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Now, the guys from ViniloVersus have a new member in the second bass, Juan Victor Belisario, who is replacing Hector and they also have a new album out called "Si no nos mata" which came out in 2009 digitally. The sound is more powerful than ever and the songs are incredible. One of the best tunes in the album is "Llamame y Desaparezco" (Call me and I'll disappear) for which they are being compared to the Arctic Monkeys.
YRock Internacional is featuring this artist and welcomes all to enjoy this amazing album. A cross between Foo Fighters and Heroes del Silencio, Viniloversus IS the best independent band in South America right now.

Ahora con un nuevo bajita, Juan Victor Belisario, re-emplazando a Hector quien decidio continuar con la Universidad, los VV nos traen un disco novo nuevo que esta para chuparse los oidos de cerum. Que cosa tan buena. Se llama "Si no nos mata" y esta disponible ya, ahorita, por iTunes. Apoyemos a esta banda joven y demosle la bienvenida en grande al mundo del rock y roll mundial!!!

Here's a LIVE video for the single: "Llamame y Desaparezco":

and a little mano-a-mano that they've recently won:

Now go out there and support this amazing band!!!!

More to come...

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